Box containing a practice chanter reed and Highland bagpipe chanter reed
collected by Robert Thomson, Bagpipe Maker, Leicester, 1930s - 1950s
© National Museums Scotland
Box for housing bagpipe chanter reeds
collected by Robert Thomson, Bagpipe Maker, Leicester, 1930s - 1950s
© National Museums Scotland
Diagram of Highland bagpipe chanters
collected by Robert Thomson, Bagpipe Maker, Leicester, 1930s - 1950s
© National Museums Scotland
Diagram of Highland bagpipe chanters and drones
collected by Robert Thomson, Bagpipe Maker, Leicester, 1930s - 1950s
© National Museums Scotland
Glass bottle containing six Highland bagpipe chanter reeds
collected by Robert Thomson, Bagpipe Maker, Leicester, 1930s - 1950s
© National Museums Scotland
Pattern stick used to gauge bore dimensions of Highland bagpipe chanters
collected by Robert Thomson, Bagpipe Maker, Leicester, 1930s - 1950s
© National Museums Scotland
Rectangular pattern stick used to form Highland bagpipe chanters
collected by Robert Thomson, Bagpipe Maker, Leicester, 1930s - 1950s
© National Museums Scotland
Rectangular pattern stick used to form Highland bagpipe chanters
collected by Robert Thomson, Bagpipe Maker, Leicester, 1930s - 1950s
© National Museums Scotland
Rectangular pattern stick used to form Highland bagpipe chanters
collected by Robert Thomson, Bagpipe Maker, Leicester, 1930s - 1950s
© National Museums Scotland
Rectangular pattern stick used to form Highland bagpipe drones
collected by Robert Thomson, Bagpipe Maker, Leicester, 1930s - 1950s
© National Museums Scotland
Rectangular pattern stick used to form Highland bagpipe drones
collected by Robert Thomson, Bagpipe Maker, Leicester, 1930s - 1950s
© National Museums Scotland
Rectangular pattern stick used to form Highland bagpipes
collected by Robert Thomson, Bagpipe Maker, Leicester, 1930s - 1950s
© National Museums Scotland
Small box containing four Highland bagpipe drone reeds
collected by Robert Thomson, Bagpipe Maker, Leicester, 1930s - 1950s
© National Museums Scotland
Spoon bit reamer used to form the upper bores of Highland bagpipe chanters
collected by Robert Thomson, Bagpipe Maker, Leicester, 1930s - 1950s
© National Museums Scotland
Spoon bit reamer used to rough finish Highland bagpipe chanter bores
collected by Robert Thomson, Bagpipe Maker, Leicester, 1930s - 1950s
© National Museums Scotland
Tapered reamer used to form Highland bagpipe chanters
collected by Robert Thomson, Bagpipe Maker, Leicester, 1930s - 1950s
© National Museums Scotland