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Lantern, saved from troopship Birkenhead wrecked off coast of southern Africa, 1852

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Lantern, saved from troopship Birkenhead wrecked off coast of southern Africa, 1852
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This lantern was saved from HMS Birkenhead, a troopship that was wrecked off the coast of southern Africa in 1852, with the loss of 357 lives.

The lantern was saved by a survivor, Private Malcolm McLean, 74th (Highland) Regiment. The loss of the Birkenhead became famous for the discipline and heroism of the troops, who helped women and children to the available life boats, then stood back to the sacrifice of their own lives.

The most senior survivor, Colonel E.W.C. Wright of the 91st Highlanders, then a captain, recorded, 'Every one did as he was directed, and there was not a murmur or cry among them till the vessel made her final plunge.'

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