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Beggar's badge, of a 'king's bedesman' or 'blue gown'

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Beggar's badge, of a 'king's bedesman' or 'blue gown'
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This is a beggar's badge of a 'King's Bedesman' or 'Blue Gown' who was authorised to beg anywhere in Scotland. It dates from 1847 and is made of pewter. The role of the king's bedesman was to pray for the soul of the monarch.

The front of the badge has a crowned thistle between the letters 'VR' (for 'Victoria Regina'). The holder's name, William Bain, is at the top, and the words 'Pass and Repass' at the bottom. The badge is numbered 28, and dated 1847.

The character Eddie Ochiltree in Sir Walter Scott's novel 'The Antiquary' (1816) was a Blue Gown. The last real Blue Gown is thought to have died in 1863.

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