Search ResultsSouvenir jug< 1 of 1 > Back from Coney Island, New York
Souvenir jugThis press-moulded glass jug is a souvenir of Coney Island near New York. It has been wheel-engraved with 'Coney Island/1909/Eliza JL'. Souvenir jug of press-moulded green glass decorated with gilding and wheel engraved with `Coney Island 1909 Eliza JL`: American, c. 1909 Coney Island is a beach and amusement area, situated on Long Island, to the east of Manhattan and the south of Brooklyn. At the height of its popularity in the 1930s it was attracting over sixteen million people each summer. Large quantities of moulded glass beakers, drinking glasses and jugs, imitating cut glass, were on sale at Coney between about 1900 and 1914. Other items were made in light, translucent green glass and enriched with a narrow band of gilding. Both types of glass were frequently wheel-engraved and often dated. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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