Search Results

"laburnum" in materials

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Block of laburnum wood
Block of laburnum wood
used in the manufacture of part of a Highland bagpipe or practice chanter

© National Museums Scotland

Bagpipe chanter for a set of Lowland Scottish bagpipes
Bagpipe chanter for a set of Lowland Scottish bagpipes
by William Mark, Aberdeen, late 18th or early 19th century

© National Museums Scotland

Bagpipe chanter for a set of Scottish small-pipes
Bagpipe chanter for a set of Scottish small-pipes
late 18th century

© National Museums Scotland

Bagpipe chanter for a set of Scottish small-pipes
Bagpipe chanter for a set of Scottish small-pipes
late 18th century

© National Museums Scotland

Bass drone top for a set of Highland bagpipes
Bass drone top for a set of Highland bagpipes
by Donald MacDonald, Castlehill, Edinburgh, c. 1806 - 1810

© National Museums Scotland

Bass drone top for a set of Highland bagpipes
Bass drone top for a set of Highland bagpipes
by Thomas Glen, Edinburgh, c. 1850

© National Museums Scotland

probably made in Angus or Fife

© National Museums Scotland

Chanter and stock for a set of Highland bagpipes
Chanter and stock for a set of Highland bagpipes
by Thomas Glen, Edinburgh, c. 1850

© National Museums Scotland

Chanter for a set of Highland bagpipes
Chanter for a set of Highland bagpipes
by Donald MacDonald, Castlehill, Edinburgh, c. 1806 - 1810

© National Museums Scotland

Chanter for a set of Scottish small pipes
Chanter for a set of Scottish small pipes
belonged to a Sutherland family, late 18th century

© National Museums Scotland

Chanter with detachable foot joint for the Union bagpipe
Chanter with detachable foot joint for the Union bagpipe
Scottish, early 19th century

© National Museums Scotland

Chanter with detachable foot joint for the Union bagpipe
Chanter with detachable foot joint for the Union bagpipe
Scottish, early 19th century

© National Museums Scotland

Highland bagpipe chanter with keys added
Highland bagpipe chanter with keys added
Scottish, c. 1959

© National Museums Scotland

Highland bagpipe chanter with keys added
Highland bagpipe chanter with keys added
Scottish, c. 1959

© National Museums Scotland

Practice chanter with chanter top missing
Practice chanter with chanter top missing
by David Glen, Edinburgh, early 20th century

© National Museums Scotland

Set of Highland bagpipes
Set of Highland bagpipes
by Thomas Glen, Edinburgh, c. 1850

© National Museums Scotland


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