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Digging stick weight or fishing line weight

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From Dryburgh Mains, Berwickshire

Postcard of Digging stick weight or fishing line weight.
© National Museums Scotland

Digging stick weight or fishing line weight

This weight, possibly for a digging stick or a fishing line, was found at Dryburgh Mains in Berwickshire. It could date from any time between 8000 BC and 1100 AD.

The weight is an oval pebble with an hour-glass hole.

If used as a digging stick weight, this would have been used to grub up roots. However, it could just as easily have been a fishing line weight. Dating of such simple items, when found as stray finds, is particularly difficult.

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Online ID: 000-100-033-915-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  X.BMB 635
Date: Between 8000 BC and 1100 AD
Material: Stone; oval; hour-glass perforation; cutting edge produced by pecking and rubbing; some pecking also at butt end
Dimensions: 5.30" x 3.40" x 1.20"
What: Weight, digging stick
Where: Scotland, Berwickshire, Dryburgh
Description: Stone digging stick weight from Dryburgh Mains, Berwickshire
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