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Fashion plate, probably from The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine

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published in London

Fashion plate, probably from The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine
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This hand-coloured fashion plate is from a scrap album containing a selection of 19th century plates. Entitled, 'THE FASHIONS', the plate is probably from The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine which was published in London from 1852-77.

The plate is signed, 'Jules David' and 'L. Guerdet'. The scene is set at the racecourse and a riding outfit and a day dress are illustrated. The woman on the right has a riding crop in her hand.

The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine was founded in 1852 by Samuel Beeton, husband of the famous Mrs Isabella Beeton who wrote the cookery book. It was in this publication that Isabella's recipes first appeared.

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