from Millhill, Auchterarder, Perthshire
 000-190-004-793-C © National Museums Scotland |
Battle axehead (fragment)
This fragment of a stone battle axehead was found at Millhill at Auchterarder in Perthshire. It dates from around 2200 to 2000 BC. Although battle axes could have been used as weapons, like recent Native American clubs, they were principally symbols of power, indicating high status.
This is the blade end of a battle axehead. It has broken across the hourglass-shaped shafthole. When complete, the stone head would have been fixed onto the top of an organic handle by means of its shafthole.
Battle axes were adapted from Continental Europe around the time when metallurgy was introduced to Scotland. They were originally mounted on handles. Although they could have functioned as weapons, their main purpose was to be symbols of power.
Record details
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Online ID: |
000-190-004-793-C |
Image Rights Holder: |
National Museums Scotland |
Project: |
0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project |
Ref: |
National Museums Scotland X.AH 75 |
Date: |
Between 2200 and 2000 BC
Material: |
Dimensions: |
What: |
Axe hammer
Subject: |
Who: |
Linn Collection
Where: |
Scotland, Perthshire, Auchterarder, Millhill
Event: |
Description: |
Cutting end of an axe hammer of granite, from Millhill, Auchterarder, Perthshire
References: |
- Clough, T.H.McK. and Cummins, W.A. (eds). Stone Axe Studies, Volume 2. London: Council for British Archaeology (Research Report 67), 1988.
- Fenton, M.B. The petrological identification of stone battle axes and axe-hammers from Scotland. In: Clough, T.H.McK. and Cummins, W.A. (eds). Stone Axe Studies. London: Council for British Archaeology (Research Report 67), 1988, pp 92-132.
- Roe, F.E.S. Typology of stone implements with shaftholes. In: Clough, T.H.McK. and Cummins, W.A. (eds). Stone Axe Studies. London: Council for British Archaeology (Research Report 23), 1979, pp 23-48.
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