RecordBasin (2 of 2)< 1 of 1 > Back made in Eastern Italy
Basin (2 of 2)This maiolica basin was made between 1564 and 1600 in Eastern Italy. This photograph shows the underside. The underside is inscribed with a quote from Genesis XX. It translates as 'In Gerar, Abraham pretends through fear that Sarah is not his wife, but sister. Abimelech enters the Royal palace locked wall and hopes to possess the beautiful lady. But God, who has the care of the just man each hour, speaks threateningly at night to the King. Thus both were left safe and gold, cattle and silver were given to them'. The interior of the basin is decorated 'a sgraffio' in polychrome with the biblical scene of 'Abimelech restoring Sarah to Abraham'. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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