Add to albumThis miniature ofrenda (shrine) table is one of a range of items made for the Mexican Day of the Dead festival (31 October - 2 November). Families create shrines at home for dead relations, with food and drink offerings and Christian and skeleton imagery
This miniature wooden table, decorated with a frilly border, is laden with bread and cakes, fruit, sugar cane, a bowl of food, beer, candles, a picture of the Virgin Mary and a skull.
The Mexican Day of the Dead festival combines the Christian feasts of All Souls' Day (31 October) and All Saints' Day (Todos Santos, Hallowmas, 1 November) with pre-Christian beliefs, in celebrating the return of the dead with feasts and offerings.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-190-004-331-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland K.1999.1421
- Date: 1999
- Material: Wood; card; fabric; baked clay
Ofrenda table / shrine table / miniature
- Dimensions: 65 mm H x 85 mm W x 55 mm deep
- What: Ofrenda table / shrine table / miniature
- Subject:
- Who:
- Where: Central America, Mexico
Mexico, Mexico City (Sonora Market)
- Event: Mexican Day of the Dead festival
- Description: Miniature wooden ofrenda or shrine table with frilly border, laden with cakes, fruit, sugar cane, food, beer, candles, picture of Virgin Mary and skull, made for Mexican Day of the Dead festival, 1999
- References:
- Carmichael, E. and Sayer, C. The Skeleton at the Feast, Texas, 1997
- Carmichael, E. and Sayer, C., The Skeleton at the feast. Texas: 1997
- Translations:
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