
Pipe bowls & pipe mouthpiece

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from Bolton, by Haddington, East Lothian

Pipe bowls & pipe mouthpiece
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These two clay tobacco pipe bowls and mouthpiece were found in the garden of the Old Schoolhouse in Bolton, by Haddington in East Lothian. They date from the 19th century.

The bowl on the left is marked with the initials 'TW' and has a small spur protruding from it. The mouthpiece is decorated with a linear pattern. In most cases the initials on pipe bowls are those of the manufacturer. On this pipe they appear to represent the type of the pipe - e.g. 'The Worker'.

Tobacco reached Scotland from America in the early 17th century and the habit of smoking soon caught on. Tobacco was smoked in clay pipes, which were cheap and disposable. The first clay pipes were imported from the Low Countries.

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