from Culbin Sands, Moray and Luce Sands, Wigtownshire
Add to albumThese faience beads were found at Culbin Sands in Moray and Luce Sands in Wigtownshire. Faience beads and pendants found in Scotland show the adoption by the elite of fashions current in southern England, especially Wessex, during the 2nd millennium B.C. The star-shaped beads are from Luce Sands. The segmented beads are from Culbin Sands. One is square in section, the other circular. Both are decorated with grooves.
Faience jewellery was made at several sandy locations in Scotland during the 2nd millennium BC. The technological skills and the design ideas were imported from southern England.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-190-004-052-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland X.BIB 4 L
- Date: 2000 - 1500 BC
2000 - 1500 BC 2000 - 1500 BC 2000 - 1500 BC 2000 - 1500 BC 2000 - 1500 BC 2000 - 1500 BC 2000 - 1500 BC 2000 - 1500 BC 2000 - 1500 BC 2000 - 1500 BC 2000 - 1500 BC Between 2000 and 1500 BC
- Material: Faience; segmented
Faience; segmented Faience; segmented Faience; segmented Faience; segmented Faience; segmented Faience; segmented Faience; segmented Faience; segmented Faience; segmented Faience; segmented Faience; segmented Faience; star; with nine points Faience; star; with nine points Bead Bead Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment
- Dimensions: 0.22" - 0.70" L
0.22" - 0.70" L 0.22" - 0.70" L 0.22" - 0.70" L 0.22" - 0.70" L 0.22" - 0.70" L 0.22" - 0.70" L 0.22" - 0.70" L 0.22" - 0.70" L 0.22" - 0.70" L 0.22" - 0.70" L 0.22" - 0.70" L 0.90" max D 0.94" max D
- What: Bead
Bead Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment Bead / fragment
- Subject:
- Who:
- Where: Scotland, Moray, Dyke and Moy, Culbin Sands
Scotland, Moray, Dyke and Moy, Culbin Sands Scotland, Moray, Dyke and Moy, Culbin Sands Scotland, Moray, Dyke and Moy, Culbin Sands Scotland, Moray, Dyke and Moy, Culbin Sands Scotland, Moray, Dyke and Moy, Culbin Sands Scotland, Moray, Dyke and Moy, Culbin Sands Scotland, Moray, Dyke and Moy, Culbin Sands Scotland, Moray, Dyke and Moy, Culbin Sands Scotland, Moray, Dyke and Moy, Culbin Sands Scotland, Moray, Dyke and Moy, Culbin Sands Scotland, Moray, Dyke and Moy, Culbin Sands Scotland, Wigtownshire, Stoneykirk, Glenluce Sands Scotland, Wigtownshire, Stoneykirk, Glenluce Sands
- Event:
- Description: Faience star bead with nine points, from Glenluce Sands
Faience star bead with nine points, from Glenluce Sands Incomplete segmented faience bead, from Culbin Sands, Moray, 2000 - 1500 BC Incomplete segmented faience bead, from Culbin Sands, Moray, 2000 - 1500 BC Incomplete segmented faience bead, from Culbin Sands, Moray, 2000 - 1500 BC Incomplete segmented faience bead, from Culbin Sands, Moray, 2000 - 1500 BC Incomplete segmented faience bead, from Culbin Sands, Moray, 2000 - 1500 BC Incomplete segmented faience bead, from Culbin Sands, Moray, 2000 - 1500 BC Incomplete segmented faience bead, from Culbin Sands, Moray, 2000 - 1500 BC Incomplete segmented faience bead, from Culbin Sands, Moray, 2000 - 1500 BC Incomplete segmented faience bead, from Culbin Sands, Moray, 2000 - 1500 BC Incomplete segmented faience bead, from Culbin Sands, Moray, 2000 - 1500 BC Incomplete segmented faience bead, from Culbin Sands, Moray, 2000 - 1500 BC Incomplete segmented faience bead, from Culbin Sands, Moray, 2000 - 1500 BC
- References:
- Clarke, D.V., Cowie, T.G., & Foxon, Andrew (eds). Symbols of power at the time of Stonehenge. Edinburgh: National Museums of Antiquities of Scotland, 1985, pp 216-220, 283.
- Translations:
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