RecordReflectors, part of apparatus to demonstrate properties of radiant heat< 1 of 1 > Back probably made in England
Reflectors, part of apparatus to demonstrate properties of radiant heatThese two concave silvered metal reflectors were made in the mid 19th century, probably in England. They were part of an apparatus to demonstrate the properties of radiant heat. The reflectors were used in conjunction with a cage and thermometers to show heat and cold could be reflected from mirrors. A hot sphere or block of ice was placed in the cage and the reflectors set up to reflect the heat radiation onto a thermometer. This experiment was performed in Edinburgh in 1800 by John Leslie (1766-1832) and T. C. Hope (1766-1844) in the presence of the scientist Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford (1753-1814). Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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