
Brooch (front)

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found at Langhope, Roxburghshire

Postcard of Brooch (front).
© National Museums Scotland

Brooch (front)

This flat circular silver ring brooch dates from the 14th century. It was found in a small hoard of like material at Langhope in Roxburghshire. It is decorated with simple designs and an inscription, which suggests that the brooch was used as a protective amulet.

The front is inscribed '+IHESVS NAZARENVS REX NAZAE+'. The pin has a design of alternate hatched and plain triangles which is repeated on the other side of the brooch.

The talismanic inscription, invoking 'Jesus of Nazereth', was a sacred formula for protection (particularly against sudden death) or as a medium of good fortune.

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Online ID: 000-190-002-287-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  H.NGA 22
Date: 14th century
Material: Silver. Inscription: +IHESVS NAZARENVS REX NAZAE+
Dimensions: 57 mm Dia x 8 mm D
What: Brooch
Subject: Jewellery - brooches with old-type pins (NMAS Classification)
Who: Jesus Christ
Description: Flat, circular brooch of silver inscribed "+IHESVS NAZARENVS REX NAZAE+", with a design of alternate hatched and plain triangles on the pin repeated on the other side of the brooch ring
  • Callender, J. Graham, 'Fourteenth-century Brooches and other Ornaments', Proceedings of the Society of Antiquities of Scotland 58, (1923-4), pp 160-84 
  • [Stevenson, R. B. K.] Brooches in Scotland. Edinburgh: National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland, 1966 (and later editions) 
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