Add to albumThis is a detail of a pressure vessel made around 1800, and retailed by W. & S. Jones, scientific instrument makers based in London. The vessel is a form of air pump, in which phenomena are examined when the pressure is greater than that of the atmosphere.
The detail shows the inscription 'Forcing / Seringe' which is scratched on the face of the ovoid glass vessel.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-190-002-255-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland T.1972.130 A
- Date: Around 1800
c. 1800
- Material: Thick glass, mahogany base, wooden stopper, brass base plate, ivory scale. Inscription: W. & S. JONES. HOLBORN. LONDON; Forcing / Seringe
Pressure vessel
- Dimensions: 19.00" H; 11.50" x 13.50"
- What: Pressure vessel
- Subject: 13. PNEUMATICS, Experimental (Departmental Classification)
- Who: W. and S. Jones (Inscribed on the pressure vessel)
W. and S. Jones, London (Maker)
- Where: England, London
England, London
- Event:
- Description: Pressure vessel mounted on a mahogany base, c. 1800
- References:
- Adams, George, Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy. Second edition edited by Jones, William: London: 1799, volume II pp 129-31, and plate II fig. 1
- Translations:
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