from Newstead, Roxburghshire
Add to albumThis bronze brooch, also known as a fibula, was found at the site of the baths at the Roman fort at Newstead in Roxburghshire. It is a type known from Roman sites on the Continent and Britain. This example dates from between 140 and 180 AD.
This picture shows the bow brooch from above. The spiral spring is exposed on either side of the head. The bow is not decorated, but has a raised rib along its length.
Roman brooches come in a wide range of styles and decoration. This is a fairly simple example, with the brooch mechanisms exposed. On other brooches of this type, the coils are often hidden and the bow elaborately decorated.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-190-002-082-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland X.FRA 754
- Date: 140 - 180 AD
Between 80 and 180 AD
- Material: Pierced catch plate
Fibula / brooch, bow shaped
- Dimensions:
- What: Fibula / brooch, bow shaped
- Subject:
- Who: Newstead Collection
- Where: Scotland, Roxburghshire, Melrose, Newstead
- Event:
- Description: Bow brooch with pierced catch plate, from the Roman site at Newstead, Roxburghshire, 140 - 180 AD
- References:
- Curle, J. A Roman frontier post and its people: the fort of Newstead. Glasgow: MacLehose, 1911, pp 318-9, Pl LXXXV 4.
- Translations:
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