found at Hunterston, Ayrshire
Add to albumThis silver gilt brooch with amber settings was found at Hunterston in Ayrshire. Made around 700, it is one of the finest products of its time. This picture is a detail of the left terminal.
The central panel of the terminal contains an interlaced beast depicted in fine gold filigree and granulation. This panel is flanked by four smaller panels with interlaced serpents. The three round and one rectangular amber settings are much decayed.
The filigree decoration on the Hunterston brooch is exceptionally fine. The goldsmith was probably trained in Anglo-Saxon techniques, but in his use of filigree he additionally provided a number of innovations in design and technique.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-190-001-176-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland X.FC 8
- Date: c. 700
Made around 700
- Material: Silver and gold; amber settings; panels of interlaced work; runic inscription on the back. Inscription: Hoop: Melbrigda owns this brooch (Viking runes)
- Dimensions:
- What: Brooch
- Subject: Personal Ornaments
- Who: Melbrigda (Owner)
- Where: Ireland
Scotland, Ayrshire, Hunterston
Scotland, West
- Event:
- Description: Hunterston Brooch, an early Christian brooch with panels of gold filigree in Celtic and Anglo-Saxon styles, from Ireland or the West of Scotland, c. 700 AD, and found at Hunterston, Ayrshire in 1830
- References:
- Whitfield, Niamh. The filigree of the Hunterston and 'Tara' brooches. In: Spearman, R. Michael and Higgit, John. The Age of Migrating Ideas. Early Medieval Art in Northern Britain and Ireland. Edinburgh and Stroud: National Museums of Scotland and Alan S
- Youngs, Susan (ed). 'The Work of Angels'. Masterpieces of Celtic metalwork, 6th-9th centuries AD. London: British Museums Publications Ltd, 1989, pp 91-2.
- Translations:
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