made in Kilmarnock, East Ayrshire
Add to albumThis is a detail of a telescope made around 1850 by Thomas Morton, a carpet machinery maker and scientific instrument maker based in Kilmarnock in East Ayrshire.
The detail shows the maker's signature engraved on the reflecting telescope's end plate. It reads 'Thos. Morton / KILMARNOCK'.
Thomas Morton's main occupation was as a carpet machinery manufacturer. This allowed him access to materials and tools with which to construct his telescopes.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-190-001-055-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland T.1974.97
- Date: Around 1850
c. 1850
- Material: Brass barrel, mahogany plate, iron base, with brass feet. Inscription: Thos. Morton / KILMARNOCK
Telescope, reflecting
- Dimensions: 430 mm H x 780 mm L x 330 mm D
- What: Telescope, reflecting
- Subject: 3. ASTRONOMY, Reflecting telescopes (Departmental Classification)
22. PHYSICS, Light (Departmental Classification)
- Who: Thomas Morton, Kilmarnock (Maker)
- Where: Scotland, Ayrshire, Kilmarnock
- Event:
- Description: Gregorian reflecting telescope, signed by Thomas Morton of Kilmarnock, c. 1850
- References:
- Clarke, T.N., Morrison-Low, A.D. & Simpson, A.D.C. Brass & glass scientific instrument making workshops in Scotland as illustrated by instruments from the Arthur Frank Collection at the Royal Museum of Scotland. Edinburgh: NMS, 1989. pp 188-194
- Translations:
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