Add to albumThis brass astrolabe dates from the early 15th century. It was made in France, probably by Jean Fusoris (c. 1365-1436), and later owned by Robert Gordon (1580-1661) of Straloch in Aberdeenshire.
The photograph shows the front of the instrument with a projection plate, the rete, pin and rule all mounted. The rim is inscribed 'Robertus Gordonius'. There is a ring for suspension.
Robert Gordon made a major contribution to Scottish cartography by extensively revising the manuscript surveys of Timothy Pont (c.1565-c.1614) for publication by the Blaeus in Amsterdam.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-190-000-947-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland T.1947.27
- Date: c. 1460
Early 15th century
- Material: Inscription: Robertius Gordonius [on rim]
- Dimensions:
- What: Astrolabe
- Subject: 3. ASTRONOMY, Astrolabes (Departmental Classification)
- Who: Gordon of Straloch (Owner)
- Where:
- Event:
- Description: Gordon of Straloch's astrolabe, probably dating from 1460, with Robertius Gordonius on rim
- References:
- For Gordon's map-mapping contribution, see Royal Scottish Geographical Society, The Early Maps of Scotland to 1850. Edinburgh: 1973 pp 44-53, 138
- Macdonald, A. & Morrison-Low, A.D., A Heavenly Library: Treasures from the Royal Observatory's Crawford Collection. Edinburgh: Royal Observatory & NMS, 1994, p 25
- Translations:
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