Add to albumThis shows the back of the face-mask and wig used by Alexander Peden, a Covenanting minister from Ayrshire. Peden used the face-mask and wig as a disguise when preaching at 'conventicles' - illegal outdoor services.
Most of the hair on the crown is missing although further down it is still thick.
After 4 years' imprisonment on the Bass Rock, Peden was banished into slavery, but escaped before being transported. He went into hiding in Ireland and returned to Scotland in 1685 and died in 1686, aged 60. He was buried in Auchinleck in Ayshire.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-190-000-834-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland H.NT 240
- Date: 1670s and 1680s
Around 1670
c. 1660 - 1670
- Material: Leather; fabric, dark red and brown; hair; feathers, brown; wood
Linen; hair
Mask / face, false
- Dimensions: 235 mm H x 260 mm W
458 mm L x 250 mm Dia
- What: Mask / face, false
- Subject:
- Who: Reverend Alexander Peden (Owner)
Reverend Alexander Peden (Owner)
- Where:
- Event:
- Description: Face mask made of leather, roughly oval, worn by Alexander Peden, a covenanting minister, c. 1670s - 1680s
Wig with a base of coarse knotted linen net to which the hair, now lacking on the crown, is attached, worn by Alexander Peden, a covenanting minister, c. 1670s - 1680s
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