
Coin (Reverse), penny, of James III

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From Rhoneston, Dumfriesshire

Postcard of Coin (Reverse), penny, of James III.
© National Museums Scotland

Coin (Reverse), penny, of James III

This is the reverse of a James III billon penny minted at Edinburgh between 1484 and 1489, during the reign of James III. The coin was worth one penny Scots. It was part of a hoard found at Rhoneston in Dumfriesshire in 1961.

The reverse has a single long cross with an annulet between three pellets in each angle and an extra point beside each group of pellets. The Latin inscription translates as: 'Town of Edinburgh'.

Some James III coins continued to be minted for a short while after his death.

Record details

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Online ID: 000-190-000-541-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  H.C2752
Date: 1484 - 1489
Between 1484 and 1489
Material: Billon; slightly weak striking; moderate wear. Inscription: Obv. Cinquefoil IACOBVS : D : G : REX : SCOR(?); stops are double annulets; crowned bust facing, with 5 lis on crown : annulet to left of crown, with arrow attached and point above : annulet to r
Dimensions: 15.00 x 14.00 mm D / Die Axis: 4.5
What: Coin Type: Class D (Dii)
Coin, penny
Subject: Queen Street Coin Collection
Who: James III
Rhoneston Hoard, 1961
Where: Scotland, Dumfriesshire, Rhoneston Bridge / Rhoneston Burn Farm
Scotland, Midlothian, Edinburgh
Description: James III billon penny, Edinburgh, 1484 - 1489
  • 'Currency' multimedia programme NMS 1995 
  • BNJ (1961), p 117, pl XIV no 77 
  • Stewart, I.H. 'The Scottish Coinage'. Second Edition. London: Spink & Son, 1967 
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