RecordCoin (reverse), Denarius, of Cnaeus Lentulus< 1 of 1 > Back perhaps minted in Spain
Coin (reverse), Denarius, of Cnaeus LentulusThis silver denarius was minted by Cnaeus Lentulus in either 76 or 75 BC, perhaps in Spain. It was a special issue, authorised by the Senate and struck by him in his position as a quaestor (financial official). This picture shows the reverse of the coin. The reverse depicts a sceptre with wreath, globe and rudder, symbolising domination of Rome over her enemies. On either side is the legend 'EX S C' (for ex senatus consulto). The legend 'CN.LEN.Q' below refers to the moneyer and his position (quaestor). Most Roman Republican coins were minted by magistrates called moneyers. In exceptional cases the Senate ordered the quaestors (financial officials) to strike special issues. This is the case for this coin, as indicated by the inscription 'EX S C'. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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