RecordMedal (reverse) commemorating the Grand Festival in honour of Robert Burns< 1 of 1 > Back
Medal (reverse) commemorating the Grand Festival in honour of Robert BurnsThis is the reverse of a medal commemorating the Grand Festival in honour of Robert Burns on the banks of the River Doon on 6 August 1844. The medal is made of pewter or white metal. The reverse is inscribed 'NOW DO THY SPEEDY UTMOST MEG' / 'AND WIN THE KEY-STANE OF THE BRIG' and 'PUBLISHD. BY S. WOOLFIELD / 28 BUCHANAN ST /GLASGOW'. A tenant farmer and often struggling, Burns found time to write and in 1786 published the famous 'Kilmarnock edition' of his poetry. It was immediately successful and when he visited Edinburgh he was lionised by society. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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