
Medal (Obverse) of the Irvine Toxophilites

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From Irvine, Ayrshire

Medal (Obverse) of the Irvine Toxophilites
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This is the obverse of a silver medal of the Irvine Toxophilites in Ayrshire. A toxophilite is a student of, or expert in, archery. Dated 1846, the medal was awarded to William Ferguson for the Eglinton Gold Belt and Quiver.

The obverse is inscribed, 'Irvine Toxophilites 5th Annual Competition for the Eglinton Gold Belt and Quiver'.

Archery was popular between 1830 and 1860, when it was overtaken by rifle shooting. Almost exclusively confined to the middle classes, it was one of the few sports in which women participated.

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