Add to albumThis silver coin was minted in Rome by Cornelius Lentulus in 88 BC. It is a type called a denarius, the most common Roman silver coin. This picture shows the reverse of the coin.
The reverse depicts Victory in a vehicle called a biga, holding the reins in one hand and a wreath in the other. Below is the inscription 'CN.LENTVL', referring to the moneyer.
With the end of the Social War in 88 BC, Rome's difficulties did not end. The years that followed were filled with rivals trying to gain power, often with little regard to law and tradition.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-190-000-071-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland A.1932.447
- Date: 88 BC
- Material: Silver. Inscription: Obv. Helmeted bust of Mars (Corinthian helmet) seen from behind, with head turned to r. / Rev. Victory in biga r., holding reins in l. hand and wreath in r. hand; in exergue, CN.LENTVL
Coin, denarius
- Dimensions: 17.00 mm D / Die Axis: 6.0
- What: Coin, denarius
- Subject: Ancient Coin Collection
- Who: Mars
- Where: Italy, Rome
- Event:
- Description: Silver denarius of the Roman Republic, Rome, 88 BC
- References:
- Crawford, M.H. Roman Republican Coinage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976.
- Translations:
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