
Servant's badge, worn by Indian servant employed by 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry

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Postcard of Servant's badge, worn by Indian servant employed by 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry.
© National Museums Scotland

Servant's badge, worn by Indian servant employed by 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry

This servant's brass badge was worn, probably on a shoulder-belt or pouch, by an Indian servant employed by the 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry in India. It dates from between 1885 and 1897.

Wearing such a badge - his only remnant of uniform - would validate the servant's presence in a battalion's barracks and offices. It was also intended to protect him from any abuse by soldiers.

The status and standards of living enjoyed by soldiers in India were far higher than those they could ever hope to achieve in civilian life at home. Even ordinary soldiers had servants. If they could endure the climate, many chose to stay beyond their required periods of service in India, transferring into other units when their own was sent home.

Record details

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Online ID: 000-180-002-380-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0504: National Museums Scotland Part 2
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  M.1931.541
Date: Between 1885 and 1897
Material: Brass; stamped. Inscription: Orderly room orderly, 2nd H.L.I
What: Badge, arm / breast
Subject: Badges and insignia
Who: 2nd Highland Light Infantry (British land forces)
Description: 2nd Highland Light Infantry - Chaprassis' arm or breast badge of brass, stamped "orderly roomorderly, 2nd H.L.I"
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