RecordBagpipes< 1 of 16 > Back
BagpipesThis is a detail of a set of Border pipe drones and chanter, manufactured by Hamish Moore at his workshop in Dunkeld in Perthshire. These pipes are bellows-blown, have three drones issuing from a common stock and have a conical cored chanter which allows the pipes to play an octave higher than the quieter small pipes. The Border pipes were traditionally played on both sides of the Scotland-England border. In Scotland many of the border towns employed a border piper whose duty it was to play through the streets in the early morning and to sound the curfew at night. These pipes declined in popularity towards the end of the 19th century and had virtually fallen out of use by the early 20th century. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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