RecordSeal impression (cast)< 1 of 1 > Back of Chapter of Glasgow Cathedral
Seal impression (cast)This is a 19th century sulphur cast of a seal impression. The impression was made from the 1st seal of the Chapter of Glasgow Cathedral, dating from around 1180. The seal depicts an Agnus Dei, (Lamb of God), with a banner flag and pendants. At the base is a ring with a chain or twisted cord, symbolic of St Kentigern (or Mungo), the patron saint of Glasgow. The inscription 'SIGILL ' : CAPITVLI : ECCLESIE : GLESGVENSIS' identifies the chapter. The gold border is modern cardboard trim. Seals were used extensively from the 12th century in Scotland by kings, clergy, nobles and towns. In a society where few people could read or write, seals provided evidence that documents were authentic. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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