of Chapter of Glasgow Cathedral
This is a 19th century sulphur cast of a seal impression. The impression was made from the reverse of the 2nd seal of the Chapter of Glasgow Cathedral, dating from around 1280.
The seal depicts the St Kentigern (also known as St Mungo) holding a crozier and giving a blessing. Below are three kneeling figures with uplifted hands. The inscription 'KENTEGERNE TVOS BENEDIC PATER AIME MINISTROS SANCTVS KENTEG'NVS' translates as 'Kentigern, dear father, bless thy servants'. The gold border is modern cardboard trim.
St Kentigern reputedly built the first church in Glasgow in the 6th century. Few facts are known about his life, but he was later revered as the patron saint of Glasgow. The cathedral was built in 1136 on the site of St Kentigern's church, with a chapter of secular canons to serve it.
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