of burgh of Arbroath, Angus
Add to albumThis is a 19th century sulphur cast of a seal impression. The impression was made from the seal of the burgh of Arbroath in Angus, dating from the 14th century.
The seal depicts the martyrdom of St Thomas à Beckett. The legend 'S.CONVNITATIS.BURGI.DE ABIRBROTHOT' identifies the burgh. The gold border is modern cardboard trim.
The burgh of Arbroath had its origins in the founding of a monastery by King William the Lion in honour of his friend St Thomas à Beckett. Beckett, the archbishop of Canterbury, was murdered at his altar in 1170 on the orders of King Henry II of England.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-180-001-741-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland Part 2
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland K.1999.810
- Date: Date of cast: 19th century; Date of seal:14th century
- Material: Sulphur; red. Inscription: S.CONVNITATIS.BURGI.DE ABIRBROTHOT
Seal / cast
- Dimensions: 73 mm D
- What: Seal / cast
- Subject:
- Who: St Thomas a Beckett
- Where: Scotland, Angus, Arbroath
- Event:
- Description: Red sulphur cast of the seal of the Burgh of Arbroath, depicting the martyrdom of St Thomas a Beckett, 14th century
- References:
- Stevenson and Wood, i, p. 53, no 12
- Stevenson, J.H. and Wood, M. Scottish Heraldic Seals - Royal, Official, Ecclesiastical, Collegiate, Burghal, Personal, vol i. Glasgow, 1940, p 53, no 12.
- Translations:
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