
Model, of English hoy

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made in Moffat, Dumfries & Galloway

Model, of English hoy
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The hoy was a cargo vessel, used for short journeys round the coasts and estuaries of England. This wooden model represents a hoy from around 1700. It was built to a scale of 1:64 by the model maker Mr J M H Wright of Moffat in Dumfries and Galloway.

The model is based on a drawing in 'Ship-building unvail'd' by William Sutherland, published in 1717.

As voyages in the hoys were short, rapid loading and unloading of cargo was important. For this reason the main hatch was usually very large, leaving room for only a small cabin for the crew. Unlike most ships of the period, hoys had only a single mast.

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