RecordTricycle< 1 of 1 > Back made in Glasgow
TricycleThis tricycle was made around 1885 by The Howe Machine Company in Glasgow. It was a popular design for ladies because of the ease of mounting the machine. The rear-steering tricycle has a black painted tubular frame, sprung-mounted saddle and solid rubber tyres. The brake lever to the left side operates spoons on each front wheel. The maker's plate on the rear spine tube reads 'MANUFACTURED BY THE HOWE MACHINE CO LTD GLASGOW 2551'. The Howe Machine Company was founded by Elias Howe of Bridgeport Connecticut in the USA. A subsidiary factory was built at Bridgeton in Glasgow in 1872-73, which subsequently became an independent Scottish business when the parent company went bankrupt. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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