RecordBarometer (detail), made by John Miller< 1 of 1 > Back in Edinburgh
Barometer (detail), made by John MillerThis photograph shows a detail of the signature on a barometer made by John Miller in Edinburgh around 1800. The signature across the top of the register plate reads: 'J. Miller Edinbr.' This elegant piece of furniture - rather than a precision scientific instrument - demonstrates that the instrument maker John Miller (1746-1815) produced a range of wares geared to a variety of markets including the domestic market. It reflects a widespread and growing interest in the late 18th century in the keeping of weather records. John Miller came to rank among the foremost 18th century Scottish instrument makers, and was the founder of the family firm, which was continued by his nephew Alexander Adie, and Adie's four sons, well into the 20th century. Based in Edinburgh, Miller's talents attracted the patronage of a number of scientific men, both inside and outside the University, but for the day-to-day business, items such as this barometer would have appealed to a broader public. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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