RecordMicroscope (detail)< 1 of 1 > Back made in London
Microscope (detail)This photograph shows a detail of the retailer's signature on a microscope made in London between 1820 and 1835. The instrument is known as the 'Adams' Universal' design, as it was first described by the 18th century instrument maker George Adams in 1787. Made for the teaching and leisure end of the market, instruments such as this were increasingly used for scientific study, despite their unimproved optics. The retailer's signature on one arm of the tripod base reads: 'Dollond London'. Microscopes with uncorrected optics continued to be sold alongside the new achromatic instruments. The luxury end of the market seemed to be as intrigued by mechanical innovation as by optical changes, and it is possible that 'change for change's sake' helped to stimulate sales. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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