Add to albumThis is a detail of a hydrostatic press. The item formed part of the University of Edinburgh' s teaching apparatus, and was ordered from the inventor, Joseph Bramah (1748-1814) in 1807. Bramah worked as a cabinetmaker in London, but was also an inventor. He invented the 'Bramah lock', and patented his hydraulic press in 1795. This model would have been used in demonstration lectures during the first part of the 19th century.
This photograph shows a detail of the signature of the maker: 'J. Bramah / London / Inv't et fecit'.
When a fluid completely fills a vessel, and pressure is applied to any part of its surface, that pressure is transmitted equally throughout the whole of the enclosed fluid. The hydrostatic press can be used for the compression of malleable materials, such as the metal of coins, or of car bodies, or of waste paper into card.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-180-000-913-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland Part 2
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland T.1999.349
- Date: Around 1800
c. 1807
- Material: metal, brass, wood. Inscription: stamped twice on base 'B4' / Marked on model: 'J Bramah / LONDON / Invt et Fect'
Hydraulic press, Bramah / model
- Dimensions: 470 mm H x 345 mm L x 200 mm W
- What: Hydraulic press, Bramah / model
- Subject: 22. Physics and physical sciences
- Who: John Playfair (Ordered machine)
Joseph Bramah, London (Maker)
- Where: England, London
- Event:
- Description: Model of hydraulic press, made by Joseph Bramah, London, c. 1807
- References:
- For Bramah, see McNeil, Ian. Joseph Bramah: a century of invention 1749-1851. Newton Abbott, 1968.
- See article Bramah's Press. Glasgow Mechanics' magazine 3 (1825), pp 129-131.
- Turner, G. L'E. Nineteenth Century Scientific Instruments. London, 1983, pp 88-89.
- Translations:
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