
Bowl, by Liz O'Donnell

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Postcard of Bowl, by Liz O'Donnell.
© National Museums Scotland

Bowl, by Liz O'Donnell

This wooden bowl of white sycamore with a painted design was made by the Scottish artist Liz O'Donnell in 1984. The design was inspired by the bird life on the cliffs of Dunnet Head in Caithness.

The shallow bowl was turned very thin whilst the wood was still green, producing a translucent vessel. The edges were carved into simple feather shapes and enclose a bird's head which is painted in oil.

During the 1980s the Scottish Development Agency purchased a number of hand-crafted items for its Scottish Crafts Collection. The aim of the collection was to inform the public of craft production in Scotland through touring exhibitions and education programmes. When the Scottish Craft Council was wound up, the collection was transferred to the National Museums of Scotland.

Record details

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Online ID: 000-180-000-638-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0504: National Museums Scotland Part 2
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  A.1991.368
Date: 1984
Material: Sycamore wood
Dimensions: 60.00 mm H x 280.00 mm D
What: Bowl
Subject: Woodwork
Who: Liz O'Donnell, Scotland (Maker)
Michael O'Donnell (Co-maker)
Mike O'Donnell (Maker)
Scottish Crafts Collection (Owner)
Description: Swan, a shallow translucent bowl turned in creamy white sycamore with feather-shaped edges and a bird's head painted in oils: Scottish, Liz O'Donnell and Mike O'Donnell, 1984
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