
Tapestry, by Gordon Brennan

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Tapestry, by Gordon Brennan
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This wool tapestry was made by the Scottish artist Gordon Brennan probably in the 1970s. It is an apprentice piece done by the artist when working at the Edinburgh Tapestry Company. The tapestry formed part of the Scottish Crafts Collection, which was transferred to the National Museums of Scotland when the Scottish Craft Council was wound up.

The tapestry has vertical bands of varying width, filled with stripes and solid colours. The inscription 'SDA DOVECOT GORDON BRENNAN 1972-78' runs across the piece.

After his apprenticeship at the Dovecot Tapestry studio in Edinburgh, Gordon Brennan studied Tapestry at ECA. After that, he taught in Edinburgh and Dundee. He works primarily in cast and constructed sculpture, drawing and photography, exhibiting widely.

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