
Figure, of a surasundari

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made in India

Postcard of Figure, of a surasundari.
© National Museums Scotland

Figure, of a surasundari

This red sandstone figure of a surasundari or heavenly beauty was made in the Khajuraho region of central India during the Candella period. It dates to the 11th century.

A surasundari is a nymph-like divinity inhabiting the sky. Here she is depicted as a voluptuous, slim-waisted woman standing in the tribhanga - thrice bent - pose. The features of her elaborately coiffeured hairstyle and her ornate and heavy jewellery have been rendered with careful detail.

Record details

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Online ID: 000-180-000-562-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0504: National Museums Scotland Part 2
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  A.1971.704
Date: 11th century
Material: Sandstone, red
Dimensions: 1180 mm H
What: Sculpture / figure / surasundari
Subject: Sculpture
Where: India, Madhya Pradesh, Khajuraho
Description: Red sandstone figure of a surasundari or heavenly beauty depicting a standing woman with elaborate jewellery and coiffure: Indian, Madhya Pradesh, Khajuraho, Candella dynasty, 11th century
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