made in London
This simple acquatic microscope was made in London between 1835 and 1840. In the 17th century it was recognised that the single lens simple microscope gave better microscopic vision than did the compound form, although it was far less convenient to use. Spherical aberration, a fuzziness of the image caused by the spherical curvature of the lens, was especially noticeable. David Brewster (1781-1868) suggested a lens with the sides ground away to form a grooved sphere, and his idea was publicised by Henry Coddington (d.1845), becoming known as the Coddington lens.
This simple acquatic microscope is set up on the lid of its box. It has an elongated rectangular stage, which is signed on the front edge: 'H. Powell / LONDON'. It is supplied with three single lenses and a Coddington lens, and among the accessories are a glass stage plate, a cork and wood stage insert, stage forceps and a stand condenser. The Coddington lens is shown, with its cover removed, on the lid of the box beside the assembled instrument.
Henry Powell made a few simple microscopes supplied with Coddington lenses, before he joined his brother-in-law, Peter Lealand, in partnership in 1841. The instrument derives mechanically from the 18th century acquatic design, sometimes used for looking at pond-life.
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