RecordBust, of Roman Emperor Vitellius< 1 of 1 > Back made in Rome
Bust, of Roman Emperor VitelliusThis bronze bust of the Roman Emperor Vitellius was made in Rome in the late eighteenth or nineteenth century. Vitelliuis was the third of the Roman Emperors who reigned in the year AD 69. The bust is set on a gilt metal socle. Many small-scale copies of classical sculptures were produced in Italy in the eighteenth century. They reflect the genuine interest in certain works, but also implicitly acknowledge the shortage of good antiquities on the art market. Reduced copies of classical and modern sculptures were being made in Florence in the early eighteenth century but a much wider selection was available in Rome between around 1760 and 1810. A number of Roman foundries were engaged in making miniature replicas of classical sculptures which could be placed on chimney pieces or furniture. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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