
Printed page, from La Mode Illustreé

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published in Paris

Printed page, from La Mode Illustreé
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This page is from La Mode Illustreé, a fashion magazine published in Paris. The page gives detailed descriptions in English of five hats which appear on a fashion plate included in the magazine. The page dates from 1873.

The hats are made of black or violet velvet and are trimmed with various types of flowers, feathers, lace and ribbons. At the foot of the page it is suggested, 'For working the above Patterns, The Cottons of Messrs J. & P. COATS ARE STRONGLY RECOMMENDED'.

At the height of its production in the second half of the nineteenth century, the thread manufacturing firm of J & P Coats was the largest in the world. Although based in Paisley, the firm also had factories in the USA.

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