Add to albumThis hand-coloured fashion plate is from a scrap album containing a selection of 19th century fashion plates. The plate is from Le Petit Courrier des Dames, a weekly fashion magazine published in Paris. Dated 31 August, 1835 it illustrates men's outdoor wear.
On the left is an outfit, or livery, for a servant. The gentleman on the right is dressed for a stroll on horseback. The plate was engraved by Damours.
Le Petit Courrier des Dames was in publication from 1822 until around 1865. An English version called, The Ladies' Little Messenger, came out in 1823 but did not last long.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-100-104-867-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland H.RHI 154.21
- Date: 1835
- Material: Paper. Inscription: Toilette pour promenades a Cheval, et Livree pour domestique
Document / plate, fashion
- Dimensions: 14.80" x 10.00"
- What: Document / plate, fashion
- Subject: Fashion plates
- Who: Damours (Engraver)
Petit Courrier des Dames
- Where:
- Event:
- Description: Fashion plate showing 'toilette pour promenades a cheval, et livree pour domestique', two men are shown, engraved by Damours, from Petit Courrier des Dames, 31 August 1835
- References:
- Holland, Vyvyan. Hand Coloured Fashion Plates 1770 to 1899. London: B.T. Batsford, 1955, pp 64-7.
- Translations:
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