
Netsuke, toggle of wood

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made in Japan

Postcard of Netsuke, toggle of wood.
© National Museums Scotland

Netsuke, toggle of wood

This netsuke is made of wood carved into a curled up rat. A netsuke is used to fasten an inro, a small lacquered container, which hung from the sash of a man's kimono. They became miniature art forms in their own right.

This wooden netsuke of a curled up rat is signed Masanao, an artist who mainly produced wooden animal netsuke in the 19th century. A rat is one of the twelve animals of the zodiac. The himetoshi, holes for passing the cord through are both in the base.

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Online ID: 000-100-104-655-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  A.1946.271
Date: 19th century
Material: Wood. Inscription: Masa-nao
Dimensions: 1.50" D
What: Netsuke
Subject: Netsuke / wood
Who: Masa-nao (Maker)
Where: Japan
Description: Netsuke of carved wood, a rat curled up into a ball, signed: Japan, by Masa-nao, 19th century
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