Add to albumThis brass microscope was made around 1760, probably by John and Peter Dollond of London, as it is marked around the stage 'DOLLAND LONDON'.
The instrument has a concave mirror and a circular glass stage. Its accessories include a spare eyepiece, two Lieberkuhn lenses with one holder, three ivory slides and a glass slide.
The instrument combines features of the Wilson screw-barrel microscope - a form of the simple microscope popularised in England by James Wilson; and elements of a popular 1752 aquatic model (for examining pond life) designed by the naturalist John Ellis (1710-76).
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-100-104-200-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland T.1925.7
- Date: Around 1760
c. 1760
- Material: Brass pillar / fish skin case / ivory slides / glass slide
Microscope, combined, Wilson and Ellis / case / microscope access
- Dimensions: 6.50" x 4.31" x 1.56" (case)
- What: Microscope, combined, Wilson and Ellis / case / microscope access
- Subject: 22. PHYSICS, Light (Departmental Classification)
- Who: Dollond, London (Instrument maker)
Ellis (Eponym)
Wilson (Eponym)
- Where: England, London
- Event:
- Description: Combined Wilson and Ellis brass microscope, by Dollond, London, in a fish skin case, with various accessories, c. 1760
- References:
- For other Ellis-type microscopes, see Turner, G. L'E., The Great Age of the Microscope: the Collection of the Royal Microscopical Society through 150 years. Bristol & New York, 1989 pp 270-72
- Translations:
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