from near Dunrobin Castle, near Golspie, Sutherland
Add to albumThis iron object was found in a grave near Dunrobin Castle near Golspie in Sutherland. Its exact use is unclear, but it may be a spear socket. It is one of a number of objects dating to the Viking period which have been found in the area.
The iron object is hollowed out or bent around, and a piece has broken off at the upper end.
Sutherland means the 'southern land', as it marked the southern part of the Norse settlement in Scotland. A few poorly recorded Viking age artefacts, including oval brooches from a woman's grave, were found near Dunrobin Castle.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-100-104-163-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland X.IL 209
- Date: 800 - 1100 AD
Between 800 and 1100
- Material: Iron; cylindrical; hollow
Iron / portion
- Dimensions:
- What: Iron / portion
- Subject:
- Who:
- Where: Scotland, Sutherland, Dunrobin Castle
- Event:
- Description: Cylindrical hollow piece of iron, from Dunrobin Castle, Sutherland, Viking period, 800 - 1100 AD
- References:
- Graham-Campbell, James and Batey, Colleen E. Vikings in Scotland. An Archaeological Survey. Edinburgh: University Press, 1998, p 68.
- Grieg, Sigurd. Viking Antiquities in Scotland (=Viking Antiquities in Great Britain and Ireland, Part II, ed. by Haakon Shetelig). Oslo: H. Aschehoug & Co., 1940, p 17.
- Translations:
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