RecordPickaxe< 1 of 1 > Back from Camelon, Stirlingshire
PickaxeThis iron pickaxe is from the site of the Roman fort at Camelon in Stirlingshire. It is of a type known as a pioneer's axe or dolabra, and was used by soldiers between 80 and 165 AD to dig ditches or clear scrub. The pickaxe has a broad blade at one end, tapering to a pointed pick at the other. There is a central hole for the shaft. The cutting edge would have been covered with a small bronze sheath, to allow the pickaxe to be carried safely on a soldier's belt. Roman soldiers were builders as well as fighters. On the march, they built temporary ramparts and ditches around their camps. Once an area had been conquered, the army built forts and permanent barracks of wood or stone. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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