RecordChamber pot (1 of 2)< 1 of 1 > Back found off Island of Scatisay, East Loch Tarbert, Harris, Outer Hebrides probably made in Glasgow
Chamber pot (1 of 2)This glazed earthenware chamber pot was dredged up by the fishing boat 'Hopeful' off the Island of Scatisay in East Loch Tarbert in Harris in the Outer Hebrides. It was probably made by A. Sneddon & Sons Ltd of Glasgow and dates from the early 20th century. The transfer-printed stamp on the body of the chamber pot is of 'D. MACBRAYNE LTD'. The base is inscribed 'A SNEDDON & SONS LTD/GLASGOW'. A. Sneddon & Sons were china, glass and earthenware dealers based at 130 Clyde Street, Glasgow. David MacBrayne (1818-1907) was born in Glasgow into a well established shipping family. Originally trained as a shipping clerk, he inherited his uncles' steamship company. From this, he constructed a larger fleet which eventually monopolised traffic to the Western Isles. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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