RecordUniversal equinoctial ring dial< 1 of 1 > Back probably made in Germany
Universal equinoctial ring dialThis brass universal equinoctial ring dial was made in the early 18th century, probably by Antor Odelem, a scientific instrument maker based in Brunswick in Germany. Based on the 16th-century astronomical ring, this form of dial contains three rings. To the outer circle are pivoted two inner circles which fold within it. The outer circle is engraved: 'Antor Odelem in Brauns: 52 Amsterd: 52 Augsp: 48 Bremen: 53 Breslau: 31 Berlin'. The other rings have the latitudes of other major European cities. The user sets the index below the suspension loop to the local latitude. The pin-hole on the gnomon is then set for the date. The dial is suspended and turned until the spot of light from the gnomon falls on the hour ring, giving the time. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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