RecordBeads of shale or cannel coal< 1 of 1 > Back From Mouswald, Dumfriesshire
Beads of shale or cannel coalThese three beads of cannel coal or shale were found with a number of beads of different fabrics in a cremation burial at Mouswald in Dumfriesshire. They formed part of a high status necklace. The burial dates from between 1700 and 1500 BC. Cannel coal bead from Mouswald, Dumfriesshire, 1700 - 1500 BC Beads of similar shape made from shale, faience and bone are known from several cremation burials in England and Wales. Their appearance at Mouswald suggests that a southern English elite fashion was being copied in Scotland. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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