from Coldingham, Berwickshire
Add to albumThis wooden candleholder is from Coldingham in Berwickshire. It dates from the 19th century.
The double candleholder consists of a horizontal arm on an upright wooden stand with a rectangular base. The arm has a hole at either end for inserting the candles.
Candles were made from wax or tallow - mutton fat or pig fat, or less commonly, beef fat.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-100-102-296-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland H.MGI 101
- Date: 19th century
- Material: Wood
Candleholder, double
- Dimensions: Arm 11.00" L; stand 23.75" H; base 9.00" x 6.50" x 1.70"
- What: Candleholder, double
- Subject: Candleholders (NMAS Classification)
- Who: Mr Cossar, joiner (Used by his grandfather)
- Where: Scotland, Berwickshire, Coldingham
Scotland, Berwickshire, Coldingham
- Event:
- Description: Double candleholder of wood, consisting of a horizontal arm on an upright wooden stand with a rectangular base, from Coldingham, Berwickshire, 19th century
- References:
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